Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Everything the Locust has stolen will be restored back to you'

First of all, I know that I am not a writer. I don't set out to be. I only wish to share with my friends my travels, and share my heart/thoughts.

Today was my last service at church before I leave on Wednesday.
I had Kids Church during the service, but after I did my rounds hugging, and saying farewell to everyone.
It was emotional experience, but not necessarily a sad one. Yeah it was sad on the surface, but for me it was a bittersweet moment.

See for me to even have friends that go deeper than the smalltalk stage is huge. When I was 12 I left everyone and everyone thing I have ever known. I have been living in this city for almost 7 years, and only in the last two years have I had real, deep friends. The kind of friendship that goes deep, is honest, real, friendship that weathers the mountains and valleys together.

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—"
Joel 2:25a
(yeah I know they differ a bit, I paraphrased the title)

Although this verse is much more, and has huge implications for Israel, today I'm using it in a more personal context. Today(and most of the previous year)it felt like God was restoring everything the enemy had stolen. Blessed.

I am going to miss my friends, more than I realize right now.
I am lucky that its not forever. I am blessed.

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